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Tripoli, 30 July 2017(Lana) The National Human Rights Committee has expressed its deep concern and condemnation following reports of an armed assault on the headquarters of the Constituent Assembly in the eastern Libyan city of Al Beidha, during which Constituent members were detained. In a statement, a copy of which was obtained by the Libyan news agency, the Committee said it held 'the military and security authorities in Al Beidha responsible for the safety of members of the Constituent Assembly.' Attempts to impose political views by force is not acceptable, and... Read more
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Tripoli, 30 July 2017(Lana) The GNA Foreign and International Cooperation Ministry has re-affirmed that the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord has just asked the Italian Government for technical and logistical assistance to prevent the flow of migrants and trafficking and to save lives. In a statement, a copy of which was obtained by the Libyan news agency, the Ministry said 'the measures may require the presence of Italian vessels to operate from the Tripoli Seaport f necessary.' It stressed that 'there will be no intervention of this kind without... Read more
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 30 July 2017(Lana) The President of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord Fayez Al Serraj has said that the Paris Communiqué was part of a roadmap that he proposed prior to his tour of Paris, Rome and Algiers, and which aims to get the country out of its crisis, after the impasse that prevailed and which points to a continued division and fragmentation. The Paris Communiqué calls for cessation of hostilities except combating terrorism, re-unification of state institutions, legislative and parliamentary elections and for establishment of a ... Read more
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 30 July 2017(Lana) The President of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord Fayez Al Serraj has dismissed media reports that he has allowed Italian combat forces including warplanes and ships to enter Libyan territorial waters. 'What I assistance I asked from Italy is logistical and training for the Libyan Coat Guard including equipment and modern weapons to save the lives of migrants and to confront criminal gangs who are trafficking illegal migrants and are better armed than the state, Al Serraj said in remarks on arrival at Mi'tiga... Read more
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Rome, 27 July 2017(Lana) Italy has announced that Libya had asked for assistance to stop illegal migration operations from the Libyan coasts towards the European southern shores, according to media reports. 'Libya has asked for assistance from Italian warships to support its anti-traffickers operations mounted by the Libyan coast guard in the Libyan territorial waters, the sources quoted Italian Prime Minister Paolo Genelone as saying. He noted that the Italian defense Ministry was considering the matter after endorsement of the Parliament. Gentelone said the request... Read more