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World News: Political News

Arab Parliamentary Conference in Jordan on technology and economics.

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Amman, June 29, 2024 (LANA) - The Arab Parliamentary Conference on Technology and Economy began in Jordan today, Saturday, under the title “The Impact of Technology and Innovation in Promoting the Growth of the Arab Economy.”The conference addresses a number of main topics, including the pivotal roles that technology and innovation play in promoting Arab economic growth and encouraging a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the Arab region. The... Read more

Al-Dabaiba conducts a phone-call with with his Maltese counterpart.

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Tripoli - June 28, 2024 - (LANA) - Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, Abdul Hamid Dbaiba, discussed in a telephone call today, Friday, with his Maltese counterpart, Robert Abela, a number of regional and international issues of common interest between the two countries. The “Hakomitna” platform, said that during the call, the bilateral relations between the two countries and international efforts aimed at enhancing security and stability were emphasized, in addition to... Read more

Nova: A European delegation begins a visit to Tripoli and Benghazi.

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Brussels - June 28, 2024 (LANA) - The Italian news agency “Nova” said today, Friday, that a technical delegation from the European Union will begin an important visit tomorrow, Saturday, to Libya, focusing on migration and border management.The agency explained, that the European delegation that will visit Tripoli and Benghazi will discuss a series of important files, including human rights and migrants, improving search and rescue procedures at sea, as well as the activities of United... Read more

Al-Kilani represents Libya in the first international conference on the care economy and social protection in Morocco.

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Rabat - June 28, 2024 - (LANA) - The Minister of Social Affairs of the Government of National Unity, Wafa Al-Kilani, represented Libya in the activities of the first international conference on “The Economy of Care and Social Protection,” at the invitation of the Social Sector of the League of Arab States and the Minister of Solidarity, Integration and Family in Morocco.According to the Ministry of Social Affairs, Al-Kilani stressed in her speech during the conference the importance of the... Read more

Security Council renews measures to impose an arms embargo on Libya.

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New York, June 01, 2024 (LANA) - Nine members of the Security Council voted in its session yesterday, Friday, to agree to renew the measures related to the implementation of the arms embargo imposed on Libya for an additional year, as well as to renew the mandate granted to member states to inspect ships in international waters off the coast of Libya suspected of It violates UN resolutions.The resolution allows member states, acting at the national level or... Read more
