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World News: Economic News

Mnifi arrives in Nairobi to participate in the meeting of the African Development Bank.

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  Tripoli, May 28, 2024 (LANA) - The President of the Presidential Council, “Mohamed Al-Mnifi,” arrived today, Tuesday, in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, to participate in the fifty-ninth annual meeting of the African Development Bank and the fiftieth annual meeting of the African Development Fund, in the presence of a number of African presidents and leaders members of the relevant African Union Committee with the African financial institutions.The 59th Annual Meetings of the Board of... Read more

WFP warns that time is running out to prevent famine in the Darfur region of western Sudan

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Geneva, May 04, 2024 (LANA) - The United Nations World Food Program has warned that time is running out to prevent famine in the Darfur region, western Sudan, especially with the escalation of fighting in the city of El Fasher in the region.The program said in a statement on Friday, "Time is running out to prevent famine in Darfur, as the escalation of clashes (between the army and the Rapid Support Forces) in the city of El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur state (one of the five states... Read more

Al-Kabir meets with the President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

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Washington, April 20, 2024  (LANA) - The Governor of the Central Bank of Libya, Al-Siddiq Al-Kabir, met in Washington, DC, yesterday, Friday, with the President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, “Jin Licon,” in the presence of the delegation accompanying Al-Kabir.  The Asian official expressed his happiness with the State of Libya joining as a shareholder in the bank through the Central Bank of Libya, and their readiness to study financing strategic projects and... Read more

Oil prices rise amid fears of escalating tension in the Middle East.

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Singapore, April 12, 2024 (LANA) - Oil prices rose in trading today, Friday, amid fears of escalating tension in the Middle East region, and its impact on crude supplies.    Brent crude oil futures rose 0.81% to $90.47 per barrel.   As well as, the US West Texas Intermediate crude futures increased by 0.99% to $85.86 per barrel.= ... Read more

OPEC expects strong demand for fuel in the summer months.

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London, April 11, (LANA) - The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), expected on Thursday, strong demand for fuel in the summer months and held to its expectations for relatively strong growth in global demand for oil in 2024.OPEC added in a monthly report, that global demand for oil will increase by 2.25 million barrels per day in 2024 and by 1.85 million barrels per day in 2025.   OPEC said in the report, "Despite some downside... Read more
