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Brussels, 18 July 2017(Lana) The European Union has welcomed the appointment of Ghassan Salama as the new UN Special Envoy to Libya, voicing its readiness to establish a constructive working relationship with him, to find a lasting solution to the crisis rocking the country since 2011. The EU Ministers have approved extension of the EU Border Assistance Mission in Libya 'EUBAM'. The Ministers, meeting in Brussels said in a statement carried by the Italian Aki news agency, linked the issue of migration closely to the political and security situation in Libya. As for the... Read more
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Brussels, 18 July 2017(Lana) The EU Foreign Ministers have renewed their support for the Libyan political agreement and the Al Serraj-led Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord, expressing Europe's full commitment to a comprehensive political settlement in Libya. In a statement, the Ministers called on the House of Representatives and the High State Council to proceed with limited alterations of the Political Agreement to make it more inclusive, saying it remained the binding framework for a solution in Libya. The statement said the EU would continue to... Read more
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\n\nواشنطن6 يوليو 2017 ( وال ) - أعلن وزير الخارجية الأمريكي ريكس تيلرسون أمس الأربعاء استعداد بلاده أن تبحث مع روسيا الجهود المشتركة لتحقيق الاستقرار في سوريا بما في ذلك إقامة مناطق حظر جوي.\nوأضاف أن الولايات المتحدة تريد أن تناقش مع روسيا الاستعانة بمراقبين ميدانيين لوقف إطلاق النار وتنسيق توصيل المساعدات الإنسانية للسوريين.\nوقال في بيان قبل قمة مجموعة العشرين التي تعقد في ألمانيا هذا الأسبوع \"إذا عمل بلدانا معا لتحقيق الاستقرار على الأرض فإن هذا سيضع أساسا للتقدم نحو تسوية من أجل مستقبل سوريا السياسي\".\nولم يتطرق البيان لمستقبل الرئيس بشار الأسد الذي دعت الولايات المتحدة خلال الصراع... Read more
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Rome, 5 June 2017(Lana) Italian Interior Minister Marco Minniti said Sunday his government has spent 200 million Euros to confront illegal migration from southern Libya. Minniti did not specify the period during which the money was spent, but Rome announced in February that it had allocated 200 million Euros for 'Africa Fund', which was designed to stop the migration boats by monitoring outside borders , as well as numerous forms of cooperation with concerned countries. In statement carried by the state-run television , Minniti stressed that Libya's southern borders were... Read more
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Algiers, 5 June 2017 (Lana) Egyptian Foreign Minister, Samah Shukri arrived Monday in Algiers to take part in the trio meeting on Libyan crisis to be devouted to assess the situation in Libya in the light of the recent developments to reach an enduring political solution to the crisis. Taking part in the trio meeting at the invitation of Algeria, Algerian State Minister, Abdulqader Misahle, his Egyptian counterpart, Samah Shukri and Tunisian foreign minister, Khamis Al-Jihenawi. The Algerian news agency said the meeting was in line with the continued consultations... Read more