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Local News: Science News

Signing a scientific cooperation agreement between the universities of Sirt and Sabrata.

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Sirte, July 11, 2024 (LANA) - The University of Sirt and the University of Sabrata signed today, Thursday, in Sirt, a scientific cooperation agreement between the two universities with the aim of scientific communication and integration between them, in an effort to provide a suitable climate for science students.The public cooperation agreement between the two universities was signed by the President of the University of Sirt, Suleiman Al-Shater, and the President of the University of... Read more

The Annual International Conference of Oral and Dental Medicine and Surgery kicks-off in Benghazi.

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Benghazi, June 29, 2024 (LANA) - The activities of the annual international conference of the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine at the University of Benghazi were kicked-off today, Saturday, under the slogan “Achieving scientific integration between dentistry and other specialties.”The conference aims to provide a platform for exchanging scientific and professional experiences between dentists from different countries, developing scientific cooperation between Libyan and international... Read more

Libyan experts participate in an African workshop in Tunisia.

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Tunisia, June 29, 2024 (LANA) - Libyan experts participated in an African workshop today, Saturday, under the title “Earth Observation for Sustainable Development... Linking Science, Technology and Legislation,” organized by the “Sahara and Sahel” Observatory in Tunisia.The workshop, which includes experts from the observatory’s partner countries in North Africa (Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauritania), in addition to representatives from some African countries, addresses the use... Read more

The activities of the eighth conference for postgraduate students kicks-off at Sabha University.

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   Sabha, May 25, 2024 (LANA) - The activities of the eighth conference for postgraduate students at the university for the year (2024) were launched at the Language Center at Sabha University, this Saturday morning, in the presence of the university’s president, Dr. Masoud Al-Raqiq, the university’s deputy for scientific affairs, the head of the conference’s scientific committee, Dr. Musa Abdul Rahman.The conference aims to consolidate and disseminate the culture of scientific... Read more

The Second International Conference on Engineering Sciences begins its work on Sunday.

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  Sirt, May 24, 2024 (LANA) - On Sunday and Monday, the 26th and 27th of this month, the Waga-Dougou Halls Complex in the city of Sirt will host the activities of the Second International Conference on Engineering Sciences, organized and supervised by the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Sirt, under the slogan ((Engineering Sciences between Present and Implementation).).Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Sirt and... Read more
