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World News: Political News

Follow up Meeting Held at Al Asabaa Municipality for Reconciliation Between Libyan Cities.

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Al Asabaa, 21 December 2015(Lana) A follow up meeting was convened at Al Asabaa city hall on Sunday as part of the reconciliation effort between Libyan cities and tribes. The meeting was attended by notables of the cities of Gharyan, Jadou, Zantan, Al Magarha, Wersheffana, and Al Zawiya as well as representatives of the cities of Suk al Gomoa, and Nalut. The Head of the notables council of Al Asabaa underlined the need for accelerating reconciliation effort between Libyan cities and regions and allowing free movement of Libyan citizens between them. Issues between... Read more

NOC Dismiss Sharara Oil Field Sit in.

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Tripoli, 21 December 2015(Lana) A spokesman for the National Oil Company has dismissed reports of a sit in at the Al Sharara oil fields, confirming the ongoing blocking of the oil pipeline at Al Rayayna for nearly a year. On his part the Spokesman for the Third Force entrusted with protecting the Al Sharara oil fields Mohamed Gleiwan said personnel at the field report to work regularly. A plane carrying oil workers has arrived at the field and there were no sit ins. The production capacity of Al Sharara is 340000 bpd. =... Read more

OIC supports agreement of Libyan parties to for national unity government.

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Jeddah, 20.12.2015(Lana) Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) has expressed support to the Libyan parties agreement to form a government of national unity under UN auspices last Thursday. Director of OIC, Iyad Amien Madni expressed hope that such agreement would contribute to security and stability in Libya and rebuilding constitutional institutions based on unity of Libya, its sovereignty and integrity of its territories. Madni underlined the need for all Libyan parties to join the accord. He also urged all to be committed to the application of items of the accord to... Read more

New passengers hall opened at Maitiqa airport.

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Tripoli, 20.12..2015(Lana) New International passengers hall was opened at Maitiqa airport. The hall accommodates 450 passengers, extending the capacity of the hall which integrated into the old hall to 1000 passengers. There is also a section for smokers and WCs for people with special needs. =... Read more

Lunching awareness programmes to sensitize about perils of fireworks.

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Tripoli, 20.12.2015(Lana) Director of Customs, Brigadier Mustfa Azam Terjman and Minister of Social Affairs, Samira Al-Furjani agreed to launch a set of programmes related to sensitize society about perils of wireworks and damages caused. The meeting came just before the birth of the prophet and its accompanying negative phenomenon marking the occasion through the use of fireworks that causes human and material damages. The meeting reviewed aspects of cooperation between the ministry and the customs authority. =... Read more
