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Tarhuna, 20.12.2015(Lana) Social Security Fund (SSF) Al-Naqaza branch distributed Sunday aid to the people with special needs in Tarhuna. Head of Warehouse unit of the branch, Ali Al-Fituori told Lana reporter that the aid included 7000 napkins, 318 mobile chairs and 3000 medical beds and several other tools and instruments to help this segment of society. He said the aid is in line with the services offered by this branch to the handicapped people. =... Read more
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Tripoli, 20 December 2015(Lana) The General National Congress has expressed deep concern over the events in Ajdabiya and the unrelenting attempts to drag the city into chaos and instability. The GNC said in a statement, a copy of which was received by the Libyan news agency, all unlawful acts committed against the city of Ajdabiay and all other Libyan cities, including kidnappings and assaults. It said Ajdabiya like many other Libyan city was a victim of plots and hidden agendas perpetrated by those who seek to reach their ends on the expense of the peace and stability of... Read more
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Madrid, 20.12.2015 - Lana - The former UN envoy to Libya 'Bernardino Leon' , said that the political agreement among Libyan parties , which was signed under the auspices of the United Nations , is a model for other countries that live in conflicts , such as Syria and Iraq. In a press statements , Leon said that , one of the important aspects of this agreement , it imposes on the political dialogue parties to work together , to rebuild the country. The agreement signed last Thursday , provides an alternative road to the Libyans , to ensure a smooth transition on the basis of ... Read more
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Tripoli, 20 December 2015(Lana) The Libyan Red Crescent official spokesman Mohamed Al Misrati has affirmed that the number of displaced as a result of the ongoing conflict in Libya has risen to more than 600000, and it was expected to increase as the clashes continued. In press statements, Al Misrati said the outbreak of clashes in Kufra, Sirte and Ajdabiya has led to a new wave of displacement whereby the inhabitants of the three cities fled to areas such as Bani Walid, Misrata, Khoms, Jalou and even Benghazi. He called of the warring factions to avoid targeting... Read more
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Sabrata, 20.12.2015 - Lana - The Sabrata municipal council , had declared the formation of a joint security room , and the state of high emergency in the city , as well as taking number of security measurements , such as establishing security checkpoints , in Sabrata city approaches , and seizing any vehicle with dark glass and has no plate number. In its statement , Sabrata council asserted its support for security checkpoints , calling on the city residents to cooperate and communicate with security services , to achieve security and stability in the city. These security measures ,... Read more