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Hanover, 26 April 2016(Lana) The White House said the United States and the European Union would offer Libya extensive support to confront State Organization terror organisation Da'esh, but only after a legitimate government takes over in the country. This came in a statement published by the US administration following talks by leaders of the US, Britain, Germany, France and Italy in Hanover, Germany on Monday. According to the statement Barrack Obama, David Cameron, Angela Merkel, Matteo Renzi and Francois Hollande welcomed the steps taken by the Presidential Council to form... Read more
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Paris, 26 April 2016(Lana) French Defence Minister Jean Yves Lodrian on Tuesday said his country was prepared to assist the National Accord Government in Libya to ensure its 'marine security.' Lodrian was quoted by the France 24 channel as saying Paris was waiting for the Libyan NAG government requests for help from the international community. Lodrian told Europe 1 Radio 'we have to wait for the Prime Minister Fayez Al Saraj to tell us what security measures he intends to take and the requests he would make to the international community to ensure Libya marine security. We are... Read more
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Tripoli, 25.04.2016(Lana) Presidential Council of Government of National Accord underlined that it would not allow oil to be targeted , spoilt, or to be used for any political purposes, being the wealth of the country and livelihood of all Libyans. In statement Monday, it called on Oil Installation Guards to take all necessary measures to confront any terrorist threats for it is mandated to safeguard and protect oil installations. These emphases followed a letter supported by security reports by the National Oil Corporation warning against potential terrorist attacks on some... Read more
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Valetta, 25.04.2016 - Lana - The Maltese foreign minister "George Villa" , said that the Libyan house of representatives' hesitation , in giving confidence to the national accord government , will expose the economic and financial situations of the Libyan state , to the risk of collapse. Villa in statements quoted by the 'the times of Malta" website , said that , the delay and hesitation by the HoR in Tobruk , will increase the chaos and the security deteriorations inside Libya , which will provide a good ground for the spread of terrorism and extremism. Villa pleaded to the HoR , to... Read more
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Tripoli, 25.04.2016 - Lana - In the few last days , Sirt city had witnessed the displacements of large number of the city residents , which is under the control of the terrorist Da'esh organization , since nearly a year ago. Eyewitnesses in a phone call with - Lana - said that most displaced families from Sirt city , had left to the cities of Jufra , Sabha , Bani-Walid , Tarhona and Tripoli , looking for safe havens away from the terrorist organization behavior. They added that , the families had to leave the city , after the increase of the random detentions and executions , carried... Read more