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World News: Political News

Several members of House of Representatives convene meeting in Tripoli.

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Gharyan, 26.04.2016(Lana) House of representatives MP for Gharyan, Salah Al-Zoubic underlined that the representatives have enough quorum to grant a vote of confidence to the Government of National Accord (GNA) , but they do not want to resort to majority style approach , pointing out that a committee was set up to communicate with opposing members of parliament and the Presidential Council, elderly and tribe chiefs of the eastern region to reach a compromise. In a statement to Lana, Zoubic said several GNA-proponent MPs representing a lot of constituencies at national... Read more

Head and Members of Presidential Council Discuss With EU Mission to Libya Support Priorities.

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Tripoli, 26 April 2016(Lana) The Head and members of the Presidential Council of the National Accord Government have discussed with the Head of the EU mission in Libya Natalia Abostuluva priorities of urgent support which the council is seeking from the EU to help reconstruct and stabilize the country. The economic situation in Libya and the assistance needed by the government were discussed at the meeting, which was attended by the German Ambassador, and the Italian Government envoy to Libya. Possible EU Assistance to Libya to rebuild the Army was also discussed. =... Read more

Audit Office: Electricity Company Failed to Supply Power to Customers.

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Tripoli, 26 April 2106(Lana) A statement by the Audit Office has affirmed that the General Electricity Co. had failed in supplying power to customers despite receiving more than LD 4 billion of back-up money from state budgets. The report said the company had exceeded the amounts allocated in the salaries provision by 1 billion, recruited personnel whose age close to the retirement age, and bought more than 900 cars for company use worth LD 18.104.384, violating the budget limit on car purchasing provision. The report also revealed that contracts for maintenance made by the... Read more

Public Properties Authority condemns trespasses and seizure of public properties.

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Tripoli, 26.04.2016(Lana) Public Properties Authority condemned transgression and seizure of public properties across the country. In a statement -a copy of which was received by Lana- it confirmed that it would not hesitate in taking all legal actions to protect private and public state properties and hold accountable whoever may found involved in such trespasses in any form and sue them criminally and file a civil suit against them. It warned that it would not accept any measures of possession or entitlement or recovery of ownership of any state owned property only ... Read more

Libyan Wins First Place in Kuwait Qur'anic Competition.

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Kuwait, 26 April 2016(Lana) A Libyan national has won the Kuwait international Qur'anic competition which was conducted on April 13-20. Mahmoud Suleiman Idris came first in the competition, which was held under patronage of the Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah. More than 100 contestants from 50 Muslim countries took part in the contest. The Secretary General of Qur'anic domestic and international contests Dr. Mansour Al Smeih said in the final event ' I congratulate Libya's candidate for winning the first place in this international contest.' =... Read more
