Lana News
Libyan News Agency
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World News: Political News

Coast guards rescue 138 illegal migrants.

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Zuwara, 05.10.2016(Lana)Western Sector CoastGuard, Zuwara has announced rescuing 138 illegal migrants who where heading to European coast, 9 miles north east Zuwara. Navy spokesman Ayub Qassem told Lana that Libyan navy patrol spotted two boats, 9 miles north east Zauara, when the coast guard approached the two boats they were found mostly holding African nationalities and include two women,three Libyans and two Morrocans. Qassem said Zuwara port trolley helped in the rescue operation. He said all migrants were referred to Anti-illegal Migration Body in Zuara. Libyan Navy has rescued... Read more


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USA, and five European countries denounce attacks on oil installations.

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Washington, 13.09.2016(Lana) USA, and five European countries denounce attacks on oil installations in Libya. They stressed that oil belongs to the Libyan people and should be managed by the UN supported GNA. In a joint statement, the six countries said; ' Governments of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Britain, and the USA denounce attacks that targeted at weekend the ports of Zawitina, RasLanuf, Sedra, and Bariqa on Libya'. The statement called on forces in the oil crescent to immediately withdraw unconditionally asking for an immediate ceasefire and renewing support to the... Read more

Public Service Company make concerted efforts to collect home and slaughter waste.

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Tripoli, 13.09.2016(Lana) Public Services Company made concerted efforts to collect home and slaughter waste. The public are helping with the works that include streets and squares of the capital Tripoli. Lana reporter noted Tuesday that Public Services Company deployed scores of labors and lorries equipped with tons of waste accumulated. =... Read more

Algerian sources reveal efforts by Libyan parties, UN and Algerian to hold reconciliation conference.

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Algiers, 13.09.2016(Lana) Algerian sources revealed efforts by Libyan parties, UN and Algerian to hold reconciliation conference ago Libyan parties. The sources underscored that the conference to be hosted by Algeria expected to be held mid-October if efforts are successful. Head of UN Mission, Martin Kobler visited Algeria last week and held important meetings with ambassadors of the countries concerned with the Libyan fileبيsuch as the USA, France, Britain, Italy, Egypt, Qatar, UAE. His meetings with Algerian officials could be connected to the preparations to the conference. The... Read more
