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World News: Political News

Hollande calls on Libyan forces to rally behind the Government of National Accord.

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Paris, 31.08.2016(Lana) French President Francoise Hollande called on all Libyan forces to rally behind the Government of National Accord, underscoring the importance of rallying of all Libyan forces behind the GNA to complete expulsion of Daesh organization from serte. Hollande renewed at a press conference Tuesday in Paris his invitation to President of the GNA Fayz Saraj to visit France to discuss ways to support Libya and fulfill France's promises in this respect. = .... Read more

Presidency Council calls for immediate release of arbitrarily disappearance victims.

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Tripoli, 31,08.2016(Lana) The Presidency Council of the GNA called on the World Day of Victims of Arbitral disappearance, coinciding with August 30, all parties to immediately release all those whom have no legal reason to be deprived of their freedom. In statement yesterday it called for referring the files that require legal procedures to the prosecution without delay and their arrest immediately and enable them to communicate with their families. The PC renewed its call to the team concerned with arbitrarily disappearances in the UN to visit Libya and cooperate in... Read more

Forming work committee to address Libyans problems in Egypt.

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Tripoli, 31.08.2016(Lana) Libyan ambassador to Cairo underlined that an agreement was concluded with the Egyptian side to set up a joint working committee between the two countries. The Libyan ambassador explained that the committee could attend to addressing problems of Libyan community in Egypt and operationlize land transport between both countries. =... Read more

Aki news agency: Security authorities arrest Libyan migrants on terrorism charges.

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Rome, 31.08.2016(Lana) Italian security authorities arrested Monday two Libyan nationals in an Italian province on charges of supporting Daesh organization according to Aki news agency. The agency quoted Italian security sources as saying that investigations are underway with the Libyans whom it described as refugees seeking asylum. Police official in the province said the two Libyan migrants are at one of the refugee reception centres, and Mafia dept opened a file for them. The two Libyans arrived on board a rescue ship August 23. =... Read more

Start of the final assault on last Daesh stronghold in serte.

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Serte, 31.08.2016(Lana) Fortified Structure Operation spokesman, Reza Issa announced the start of the final assault on the latest strongholds of Daesh terrorist organization in Serte following the field gains realized by FSF inside the hideouts of the fleeing Daesh members. Issa confirmed;' Forces of Fortified Structure are combing streets of districts they over run in preparation for the final assault on daesh in District 3. he said the areas were Daesh are present are not of any strategic significance, expecting the decisive victory to be accomplished soon. FSF... Read more
