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World News: Political News

French President renews support of his country to GNA.

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Paris, 31.08.2016(Lana) French President, Francoise Hollande renewed emphasis on his country's support to the Government of National Accord, stressing the significance of rallying efforts around the GNA to finalize the expulsion of daesh from Serte. Hollande underlined at a press conference Tuesday in Paris that his invitation to the President of the Presidency Council, Fayez Saraj to visit France to discuss ways to support Libya and fulfill France's promises in this respect. =... Read more

Director of North Africa Dept at British Foreign Office arrives in Tripoli.

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Tripoli, 31.08.2016(Lana) Director of North Africa Dept at British Foriegn Office, Christian Turner arrived Tuesday in Tripoli to meet members of the Presidency Council. Britian reaffirmed in many ocassions its suppoort to the Presidency Council and GNA, the latest of which was it welcome of statmnet of the PC on HoR session held August 22. =... Read more

Algeria began building of soil fence at common borders with Libya.

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Algeria, 31.08.2016(Lana) Algeria began construction of a soil barrier on its borders with Libya and Tunisia due to security reasons according to an informed Algerian source. The source said that barrier spans over 350 KM and would cover all common borders with Libya from ELIZI State up to the Algerian, Libyan and Tunisian borders. The barrier follows the construction of another barrier on its borders with Morocco. =... Read more

Electricity company staff organize protest.

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Zawia, 30.08.2016(Lana) Staff of Electricity public Company western region organized a protest at Zawia station in Harsha, to protest delay of payroll for staff for over 4 months. The protestors called for disbursing their salaries before the Eid and start of school year. =... Read more

Tripoli-Zawia coastal road situation excellent.

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Zawia, 30.08.2016(Lana) Zawia security Directorate, Nabial Bozawi confirmed that traffic at coastal road between Zawia and Tripoli is excellent and that no breaches were recorded since the road was reopened. In press statement, he said there are 5 security check points between Zawia and Janzour in which over 60 police personnel are working wearing uniform. he urged the MoI to provide resources and support the police for the success of the road agreement. =... Read more
