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World News: Political News

Algerian -British call to support GNA.

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Algiers, 11.10.2016(Lana) The British Foreign Office Minister for Near East and North Africa Affairs, Tobias Ellwood called on the international community to speak one voice in support of the Government of national accord in Libya. This came during Algerian Prime Minister, Abdumallek Sallal reception of the British prime Minister special envoy for an economic partnership with Algeria. A statement by the Algerian government said the meeting was to assess the bilateral relations and issues related to the security situation in the area especially in Libya. =... Read more

Committee assigned to prepare action plan entitled; "Title of our Education is tolerance'.

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Tripoli, 11.10.2016(Lana) The Committee assigned to prepare a full action plan to study and implment a propject against violence, hatred and enhence the culture of tolerance within educational institutions, held its thrid regular meeting at the ministry of education in the presence of head and members of the committee. The meeting focused on presenteing pproposals ansd opinions on a timetable for the inducrtion week to addess the psychological impact opf the war experinced by the country and prepare them for the new shcool year. It also focused on prepraing letters to... Read more

International Community of the Red Cross runs aid caravans for Serte population.

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Serte, 11.10.2016(Lana) The International Committee of the Red Cross in collaboration with the Libyan Red Crescent, Misrata branch and the Crisis committee of the Local Council ran and aide carvan to communities west of serte. Head of the Crisis committee in serte said the aid caravan targeted more than 350 families who returned to their homes after liberating Serte from daesh. The aide comprised food packages, blankets and carpets, detergents and basic food stuff. =... Read more

GNA foreign minister meets Italian deputy foreign minister.

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Tripoli, 10.10.2016(Lana) GNA foreign minister, Mohamed Taher Siala met with Italian deputy foreign minister and his accompanying delegation currently visiting Tripoli. The meeting held at the Foreign Ministry discussed cooperation relations and its promotions to realize common interests. Sailla told Lana the meeting focused on was to fight illegal immigration and finding successful solutions to them. He said illegal ingestion file requires intense and continued talks with all European countries. The Italian deputy prime minister was also accompanied by senior officials of Italian... Read more

Hai Andalusia municipality paves some roads.

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Tripoli, 10.10.2016(Lana) Hai Andalusia municipality in collaboration with the public paved some roads. The work is supervised by the infrastructure committee. The work is carried out in collaboration with electricity company to lay down underground cables. Contacts were also made public works to make water pipelines. =... Read more
