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The two officials unveiled the marble plaque of the academic project. The launching which took place at midday on Sunday came on the sidelines of the visit Mr. Mikuriya is paying to Tripoli. The launch was attended by members of diplomatic corps, heads of departments of the Libyan Custom Authority as well as members of the delegation accompanying the Director of the WCO. It came as part of the Authority's endeavor to upgrade custom personnel in line with the international program 'Picard' adopted by WCO as well as by the quality department at the Libyan Ministry of . ... Read more
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The meeting was attended by the Deputy Head of the Presidency Council Musa Al Koni and a some members of the diplomatic corps. The Talks were said to have focused on technical assistance, coordination at regional and international forums and issues related to the custom business. The Secretary General briefed the audience on organisation, and the plans and programs it is carrying out to upgrade work capacity to provide its workers with the skills to combat trafficking, fraud, piracy and organized crime. He also briefed the meeting on the legislations introduced by the... Read more
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بورنو 11 ديسمبر 2016 (وال) – أصيب نحو 17 شخصا على الأقل في تفجير انتحاري ، اليوم الاحد ، نفذته طفلتان في سوق شعبية بمدينة مايدوغوري عاصمة ولاية بورنو شمال نيجيريا.\nوقال مصدر أمني إن \"الفتاتين في السابعة أو الثامنة من العمر\".. وأضاف أن الطفلتين ترجلتا من عربة ومرتا أمامي من دون أن تثيرا أي اهتمام.. وأوضح \" حاولت أن اتحدث مع إحداهما باللغة الهاوسية أو بالإنكليزية، لكنها لم ترد.. توجهت نحو باعة الطيور وفجرت حزامها الناسف\".\nووقع الانفجار الثاني فيما كان باعة في السوق يقدمون المساعدة للمصابين.\nوشهد شمال شرق نيجيريا تزايدا للهجمات في الأسابيع الأخيرة، وخصوصا في مدينة مايدوغوري الكبيرة... Read more
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The force will not be an alternative to a Libyan Army under one command, he said. Briefing the United Nations Security Council here, Kobler said UNSMIL will hold a high-level meeting on Dec 13, to discuss what he called obstacles to forming the Presidency Guard. He put his weight behind the force which he said would 'provide protection for state institutions and foreign embassies'. The vision of the Presidency Guard has now transformed into a real plan, Kobler added. Soon after establishment, the Guard would apply for a waiver from the UN weapons embargo imposed on... Read more
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The money was part of the Central Bank of Libya's effort to relieve the liquidity shortage suffered by the residents if the region, the CBL said on its.... Read more