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World News: Political News

Kobler: first gathering of municipal Council female members wonderful initiative.

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Tripoli, 06.12.2016(Lana) Head of UNSMIL, Martin Kobler congratulated the GNA Local Government Ministry for organizing the first gathering of municipal council ladies. Kobler considered the gathering as shedding light on the leading role of Libyan women. In a tweet in his personal twitter account, Sunday, Kobler said it was a wonderful initiative to remind us all that women should have equal rights in decision making and capable of realizing stability and peace and security in Libya. On his part, Vice- President of Presidency Council, Ahmed Maitiaq said the convening of the... Read more

Seminar on perils of fireworks.

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Tripoli, 06.12.2016(Lana) GNA Ministry of Social Affairs has announced that it is to organize in Tripoli Wednesday a seminar on the perils of fireworks. In information leaflet about the seminar, a copy of which was received by Lana. the ministry said" the seminar will be accompanied by sensitization campaign that includes an exhibition to highlight the menace of the use of fireworks. It said the exhibition is to be held at Martyrs Square in Tripoli, Wednesday evening and to continue to Thursday evening. =... Read more

Fortified Structure forces pursue Daesh elements in Jieza Seafront.

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Serte, 06.12.2016 (Lana) The Media Centre of the Fortified Structure Forces has reported that its forces recescued Tuesday morning 4 women and 21 children used by the terrorist organization as human shields at the remaining residential houses in Jieza district. The forces counted over 20 bodies of Daesh gunmen, and that the forces are pursuing the last remainants of the collapsing organization and besieging 4 fighters in a house in the same district, the centre explained. =... Read more

Tunisian President and Benelux Prime Ministers Discuss Libya Tunis, 6 December 2016(Lana) President Al Baji Qayed Al Sebsi on Monday discussed with Prime Ministers of The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg the situation in Libya, with an empha

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The Tunisian Presidency office said in a statement the meeting, which was held on the margin of the Benelux summit hosted by Tunisia from 5-6 December and which brought together along with the Tunisian President, Xavier Bettel the Prime of Luxemburg, Charles Michel the Prime Minister of Belgium and Mark Rutte the Dutch Prime Minister, discussed several issues of common interest including the situation in Libya, and the need for more concerted effort to bring about a peaceful solution to the crisis in Libya and promote the values of dialogue and tolerance in the. ... Read more

Mayor of Sebha: calm in Sebha after success of wise men.

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Tripoli, 24.11.2016 (Lana) Mayor of Sebha, Hamad Khayal has announced that the situation is calm Thursday in Sebha after success of efforts of wise men from all parts of Libya. The efforts led to the signing of an agreement between the conflicting parties and stopping clashes in the city. Al-Khayal told Lana that the number of the injured from both sides were transpotereted to hospitals and clinics in Tripoli to receive treatment. He also called for using reason and putting national interest over all considerations. =... Read more
