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World News: Political News

Al Serraj-Led Delegation Visits Al Zantan.

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Tripoli, 10 August 2017(Lana) The President of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord Fayez Al Serraj on Wednesday led a delegation on a an inspecting visit to the town of Al Zantan. He was welcomed on arrival by the Mayor and members of the Municipality, MPs, notables, tribal leaders and representatives of civil society organisations. Al Serraj was accompanied on his visit by the Commander of the Presidency Guard Brigadier Nejmi Al Nakou, Minister of Education Othman Abdul Jalil, Minister of State for Martyrs and Injured Affairs, the Chairman of the... Read more

UN Special Envoy to Libya Arrives in Benghazi.

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Benghazi, 10 August 2017(Lana) The UN Secretary General Special Envoy to Libya Ghassan Salama arrived in Benghazi on Thursday. Lana Correspondent in Benghazi said Salam met, at the start of his visit to Benghazi, the Mayor of the city and the union of Medical Arab University Students Union. He also scheduled to meet a number of officials later. =... Read more

Salama: Italian Navy Mission Step in the Right Direction.

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Rome, 9 August 2017(Lana) The UN Special Envoy to Libyan Ghassan Salama said the Italian Navy mission to render support for the Libyan Coast Guard forces was a step in the right direction, to deal with menace of trafficking and illegal migration from the Libyan coast toward Italian southern shores. 'We are aware of the controversy surrounding this mission in Libya, Salam said at a press conference following a meeting with Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano. Cooperation and transparency in the exchange between Libya and Italy are the best way of confronting the... Read more

Fuel and Gas Crisi Committee Reassures Public Fuel Available at Reservoirs.

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Tripoli, 9 August 2017(Lana) The Fuel and Gas Crisis Committee has issued a reassuring note to the public that fuel was available at the Company's reservoirs in large amounts. The Committee said the tanker 'Anwar Al Nasr' docked at Tripoli port, laden with 33,000,000 Liters of gasoline was discharging its cargo to supply filling stations in Tripoli. Another tanker 'Anwar Afriqiya was expected to dock on Wednesday carrying 35,000,000 Liters of fuel. The Committee appealed to the general public not to be yield to attempts by suspicious media channels bent on creating... Read more

Al Serraj Holds Talks With President Al Sebsi.

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Tunis, 8 August 2017(Lana) The President of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord Fayez Al Serraj on Monday discussed during a visit to Tunisia, bilateral relations and the political situation in Libya with President Al Baji Qayed Al sebsi. President Al Sebsi highlighted the brotherly relationship linking the two countries, and said Tunisia supported whatever Libyan agree upon. He said 'Libyans should not do away with the Political Agreement, their hope for a consensus.' 'What Happens in Libya affects Tunisia both positively or negatively, he.... Read more
