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Gharyan, 26.03.2016 - Lana - Civil society institutions in Gharyan municipality , intend to organize a demonstration on Tuesday 29th of March , in protest against the bad living conditions. In a statement - which Lana got a copy of it - the civil society institutions called on all Gharyan city residents , to go out next Tuesday in-front of al-Rabta hotel downtown , in a demonstration under the theme "for the sake of our children's food" , in protest against the high price rise , and lack of financial liquidity in the banks , which had increased the citizens' sufferings. =Lana=... Read more
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Tripoli, 26,03,2016 - Lana - An armed group - affiliated to the state organization - on Friday evening , had executed one of Sirt city's citizens , accusing him for joining a military institution. Local sources in a phone call with - Lana - on Saturday , said that the citizen 'al-Mahdi Ali al-Gaddafi' of 40 years old , was executed by a firing squad in martyrs square downtown. The source added , that what so called the legitimate court of those gunmen , had adjudged the aforementioned citizen to death sentence by a firing squad , after arresting him recently in Bohadi area south east... Read more
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Tripoli, 25.03.2016 - Lana - The national salvation government 'NSG' , in an issued resolution on Thursday , had declared the high state of alert in all the country , considering the ministerial council in a permanent session. The decision commissioned the defense and interior ministries , intelligence service , investigation service and revolutionaries battalions , to take all measures and security arrangements , to maintain the country's stability. The resolution asserted on the importance to conduct heavy patrols and security stoppages , and to make sure to preserve the main... Read more
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Khomas, 24.03.2016 (Lana) Director General of Customs Authority, Brigadier General Mustafa Al Turjeman, hailed outcome of recent Khomas meeting for all those present made national interest override other interests. He told Lana that resumption of Khomas seaport of its activities would contribute to economic activities in the country. He said goods follow through customs offices at sea and air ports as well as land crossing points. Director General of Customs Authority explained that the main tasks and responsibilities of customs authority not only confined to collecting custom... Read more
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Tripoli, 24.03.2016(Lana) 345 people were reported killed and 600 injured in traffic accidents in two months. Ministry of Interior noted on its website that 721 traffic accidents were reported leading to the death of 345 people and injury of 600 others and material losses of three million Libyan dinars. =... Read more