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World News: Political News

France Stresses Need for National Unity Government in Libya.

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Tripoli, 29 March 2016(Lana) The French Foreign Affairs and International Development Minister Jean Marc Eurlout underlined what he termed 'pressing need' for a national unity government in Libya, saying the situation there was dangerous and we hope for a political solution. The Algerian news agency quoted Eurolet as saying at a press conference with his Algerian counterpart Ramadan Al Amamra 'there is an urgent need for the government, the situation is very dangerous and we hope to settle it through a political solution.' Eurolet voiced France's support for a national unity... Read more

Relative Quiet Returns to Al Zawiya.

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Al Zawiya, 29 March 2106(Lana) A relative quiet has returned to Al Zawiya although some street were still being blocked. Sources of the National Security Directorate in Al Zawiya said the streets of Gamal Abdul Naser and Omar Al Mukhtar were still being blocked following recent clashes in the city. Al Zawiyah educational hospital was still closed, the sources added. =... Read more

Ban Ki Mon Urges Libyans to Unity.

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Tripoli, 29 March 2106(Lana) The UN Secretary General Ban Ki Mon has urged Libyans to unite to face what he termed spread of influence of so called Islamic State or Da'esh in Libya. The Tunisian News Agency quoted Ban as saying 'we are deeply concerned by the spread of Da'esh in Libya, which we have to stop ..and if we want to stop Da'esh spreading in this country we have to set up a consensus government as soon as possible. He expressed his regrets for the fact that Libya were unable to overcome their differences. He urged Libyans to form a unity government with one voice. As... Read more

Tunisia: a free market zone near Ras-J'deer crossing.

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Tunisia, 28.03.2016 - Lana - Tunisia had declared the beginning of establishing a free market zone , on the borders with Libya. Tunisian TV station , quoted from the commerce minister 'Mohsen Hassan' , during a visit with the industry minister 'Zakaria Hamad' , to Bengerdan city on the borders with Libya , as saying that ; "we declare the launching of establishing a free market zone in Bengerdan , after resolving the property issues and studies". Hassan said that , the project will be under the management of a committee that includes "Tunisian trade office , number of parliament... Read more

Italian coastal guards rescue 1482 migrants in the Mediterranean.

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Rome, 28.03.2016 - Lana - On Sunday and Monday , the Italian costal guards were able to rescue 1482 migrants in the Mediterranean off the Libyan coasts. The Italian coastal guards today Monday , declared that in the framework of rescuing and monitoring the Libyan coasts , 1482 people were rescued on Sunday and Monday , during a 12 operations , with ships' participation. They added , that 730 migrants were rescued on Sunday , and at least 752 on Monday were on board of 12 floatable boats , including many women and children , their nationalities have not been declared yet. According to... Read more
