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World News: Political News

National Salvation Government Meets in Tripoli.

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Tripoli, 23 March 2016(Lana) The National Salvation cabinet held its 10th ordinary meeting in Tripoli on Wednesday to discuss developments in the country at various levels. The Head of the Government announced at the start of the meeting, which was carried by local TV channels, that at his request the UN Special Envoy to Libya who was scheduled to make to Tripoli on Wednesday has postponed it until Monday for organizational reasons. =... Read more

NSG Government Condemns Terrorist Blasts in Brussels.

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Tripoli, 23 March 2016(Lana) The National Salvation Government Foreign Ministry has condemned the terrorist attacks in the Belgian capital on Tuesday, which left dozens killed or wounded. In a statement, a copy of which was received by the Libyan news agency, the NSG said it has offered its condolences to the families of the victims and wished the wounded a speedy recovery. The Government said in its statement it stood on the side of the Belgian government, stressing its unwaved stance against terrorism in all its forms. =... Read more

Head of Presidential Council Meets Algerian Minister in Charge of Maghreb and AU Affairs.

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Tunis, 23 March 2106(Lana) The Head of the Presidential Council Fayez Al Saraj met in Tunis on Tuesday the Algerian Minister in Charge of Maghreb and AU Affairs Abdul Gader Msahel, in the wake of the meeting of Libya's neighboring countries. According to Algerian news agency the two sides expressed their satisfaction for the results that's have come out of the 8th meeting of Libya's neighboring countries and the support it has shown to political process in Libya to end the crisis in the country, especially in regard to transfer of the consensus government to Tripoli as soon as... Read more

Libyan Red Crescent and WHO sign MoU.

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Tripoli, 21.03.2016(Lana) A memorandum of Understanding has been signed by Libyan Red Crescent and World Health Organization (WHO) . By virtue of this agreement to be coordinated by The National Centre for Disease Control, to monitor polio campaign in various Libyan cities and regions and replacing the trio vaccination with the dual ones. =... Read more

GNC discusses and ratifies some laws and decisons.

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Tripoli, 21.03.2016 (Lana) The GNC discussed in its session Sunday in Tripoli some laws ratifying them. The ratified laws include amendment to Tax Law No 7/2010, making tax exemption on income tax for first category up to one thousand dinars and an amendment to the distribution of Jihad tax revenues and law on Libyan Authority for Investment. The GNC also discussed the political situation in the country and latest developments. =... Read more
