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World News: Political News

GNC discusses and ratifies some laws and decisons.

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Tripoli, 21.03.2016 (Lana) The GNC discussed in its session Sunday in Tripoli some laws ratifying them. The ratified laws include amendment to Tax Law No 7/2010, making tax exemption on income tax for first category up to one thousand dinars and an amendment to the distribution of Jihad tax revenues and law on Libyan Authority for Investment. The GNC also discussed the political situation in the country and latest developments. =... Read more

Jadu Municipal Council calls for not involving the capital in armed fighting.

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Jadu, 21.03.2016 (Lana) Jadu Municipal Council called on political and military parties for not involving the capital in armed fighting that could threaten lives as well as public and private properties. In a statement Sunday it urged not to close the internal roads and main roads leading into the capital to avoid the escalation of the crisis facing the city. The statement supported the dialogue and peaceful rotation of power, expressing the readiness of Jadu City to cooperate with all parties to achieve stability and security. =... Read more

Preparations for neighbouring countries meeting.

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Tripoli, 21.032.2016(Lana) Preparatory meetings have been held in the Tunisian capital between officials from Libya's neighbors states for the convention of Libya's Ministry announced in a statement Monday that Libya's neighbors meeting will see the participation of foreign ministers of Tunisia, Libya, Algiers, Egypt, Sudan, Chad, Niger besides the Arab League Secretary General, representatives of the African Union, the EU, and head of UNSMIL, Martin Kobler. The Foreign Ministry explained in a statement that the meeting would be centered on mobilizing support to the... Read more

Sabrata municbality discusses confidence building among state institutions.

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Sabrata, 21.03.2016(Lana) Sabrata municipality, field operations room and national security Directorate convened a meeting with civil society activists in the city to discuss confidence building between state security and military institutions with civil society institutions. The media office of the municipality said the meeting held in Taleel discussed the continous reaching out mechanism between civil, military and security institutions as well as programmes and goals that can be realized together. The meeting stressed the need to consolidate role of the citizens and... Read more

Arab League Libyan unity threatened by external forces.

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Cairo, 21.03.2016(Lana) Arab League Deputy Secretary General, Ahmed Ben Heli said that great responsibility is vested on Libyans to avert a military intervention. Ben Heli said Monday that the 8th meeting of Libya's neighbouring countries due Tuesday in Tunis considered a fundamental in support of Libyans, stressing the importance that brothers in libya feel that it is high time for an agreement that the national accord government start implement the tasks assigned to it as a first step. Ben Heli stressed that ' Any procrastination in reaching a political solution in... Read more
