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Rome, 3 May 2016(Lana) The World Food Program has delivered aid to the relief organisation in Benghazi which is facing difficult humanitarian situation due to the infighting in the city. Media sources quoted Head of information at the Relief organisation Jalila Al Drisi as saying more than 20 lorries loaded with food assistance were allowed to enter after they were inspected by health officials. Another 24 were lorries carrying aid were expected to be delivered. =... Read more
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Tripoli, 3 May 2016(Lana) The House of Representatives on Monday held a consultation session to discuss a mechanism for the referendum on the draft of the new constitution presented by the Constituent Assembly. Having failed to acquire the quorum for discussing the referendum mechanism the members referred the issue to the House legislative committee. The members also discussed possible movement of the House of Representatives to the city of Benghazi and a re-launch of the 6+6 committee. =... Read more
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Rome, 3 May 2016(Lana) Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said his country was pressurized to intervene in Libya, but his government chose a different path. In remarks over Italian foreign policy Renzi was quoted by the Italian Aki news agency as saying in remarks in Florence 'there have been pressures over months, some may say related to a lobby, it becomes commonplace.' Some could say, let's intervene, let us use warplanes, let us send 5000 troops to Libya, but we chose a different path.' =... Read more
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Tripoli, 02.05.2015(Lana) Information and Culture office and navy spokesman issued statistics on naval vessels caught within territorial waters as of Liberation year in 2012 up to first quarter of 2016. The statistics which Lana obtained a copy showed that the total vessels of various sizes, functions and load that caught were 64 vessels and total number of crews reached 6. - The statistics explained that 31 trollers from Egypt. - 6 vessels from trolleys from Italy. - one vessel from Greece. - Three vessels from Malta. - One oil tanker from Russia. - Two vessels from Lebanon. - Two... Read more
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Algeria, 02.05.2016 - Lana - Minister of Maghreb affairs , AU and Arab league "Abdul-Kader M'sahil" , on Monday in the capital Algiers , said that the Libyans have huge sufficiency and a will , which is enough to build their country , and to preserve its unity. M'sahil during an interview with the Algerian radio (3) , said "Libya has huge sufficiency and great power , as well as political women and men , whom are able to transcend this crisis , and there is a will among our Libyan partnership , to build their country , and to maintain its unity. The minister , pointed out the... Read more