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World News: Political News

Serte Local Council urges its members to meet in Misrata.

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Serte, 23.06.2016(Lana) Serte Local Council urged its members to meet in an extraordinary meeting in Misrata on June 26, at 12:00 am . Serte Local Council media file explained that the meeting considered the first within a year and that the meeting would discuss the situation in Serte, condition of the displaced and ways to ease such problems. =... Read more

Public in Surman provided security for a car carrying cash involved in road accident.

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Surman, 23.06.2016(Lana) The public in Surman provided security to a car carrying cash after it was involved in traffic accident, while it was in its way to North Africa Bank, Surman branch. Spokesman of the Central Bank of Libya, Issam Al-Awal said on his official website said the vehicle was carrying two and half millions in cash when it was overturned. He said the people rushed to secure the car and carry the cash to the bank, enabling the bank fulfill its commitments to its customers. The whole sum was recovered after the road accident, he said. =... Read more

Presidency Council of GNA pays tribute to the martyrs in serte.

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Tripoli, 23.06.2016(Lana) Presidency Council of GNA paid tribute to the martyrs in Serte who sacrificed their lives for the homeland from the forces of evil in Serte. The Presidency Council expressed profound sorrow and sadness for the loss of those heroes, praising their sacrifices and blessing triumphs and victories they made against Daesh in Serte. The Council underlined that all resources are at the disposal of the injured , and that arrangements were made with friendly countries to receive the injured praying to Almighty for their speedy recovery. The Council urged... Read more

Government of National Accord convenes its first session.

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Tripoli, 23.06.2016(Lana) Governmnet of National Accord convened Wednesday in Tripoli, its first consultative session for this year. The meeting headed by Presisdent of the Presisdency Council of Fayze Saraj. At the outset of the meeting, Saraj underlined the significance of the stage undergone by the country and responsibility shouldred by the council and governmnet to overcome difficulties and lift hardship and face all the challenges. He briefed the governmnet on a host of issues and current developments at the political arena and efforts made to end the state... Read more

GNA Health Ministry Urges Libyan Doctors Working Abroad to Liaise With International Cooperation Office.

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Tripoli, 22 June 2016(Lana) The Health Ministry of the Government of National Accord has appealed to Libyan doctors working in foreign countries to liaise with the International Cooperation Office at the Foreign Ministry to coordinate on contributing to provision of medical treatment of the wounded persons of the war against State Organisatiion Da'esh. The Ministry urged doctors who wish to work at a hospital treating these wounded to contact Dr. Khalid Attiya on 00218 91 5040404. The Health Ministry will bear all financial obligations involved. =... Read more
