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World News: Political News

Presidential Council Urges Residents of Al Garabouli to Exercise Self Restraint.

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Tripoli, 22 June 2016(Lana) The Presidential Council of the Government of National Accord has urged the residents of Al Garabouli to exercise self restraint after the clashes in the town that left dozens killed or wounded. In a statement the Council issued on Wednesday, it called for 'good offices to be used to save lives, and said the checkpoint in Al Garabouli would be run by the Police and regular Army units. The Council said a committee was to be set up to investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident in which 29 people were killed and 20 wounded as a result of... Read more

AU Ministerial Committee Entrusted With Executing AU 2063 Agenda Convened.

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Windhoek, 22 June 2016(Lana) The ministerial committee entrusted with executing the African Union 2063 Agenda has convened here on Wednesday. Participants in the meeting which which was presided over by Namibia were expected to study the work mode of the committee assigned to put into practice decisions of African heads of state in accordance with the 2063 Agenda. The committee, which was set up in 2013 by virtue of a decision taken at the AU heads of state conference, is assigned to follow up execution of AU political authorities decisions in the area of promotion of peace... Read more

Security Committee Set up Monitor Security Situation in Tripoli and Power Stations.

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Tripoli, 22 June 2016(Lana) The GNA Interior Minister Al Aref Al Khoja has issued a decision to set to a committee with the task of monitoring the security situation in the capital and also the power stations in coordination with the Electricity Company. The Minister was adamant that the 6 member committee file a report daily in normal circumstances and promptly in emergency cases. =... Read more

UN Envoy to Libya Shocked at Level of Violence in Al Garabouli.

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Tripoli, 22 June 2016(Lana) The UN Special Envoy to Libya Martin Kobler has said he was shocked and saddened by the violence acts that happened in Al Garabouli, east of Tripoli on Tuesday. 'I was shocked and saddened by reports of violence and the loss of live in the region of Al Garabouli, Kobler wrote on twitter account. The town of Al Garabouli, 50km east of the capital was scene to violent clashes which led to an explosion in an ammunition depot killing at least 29 and wounding several others according to security and medical sources. =... Read more

Hatef Libya announces disruption of communications between Hun, Kufra, Jaghbob, Fuqha and Tazrbu due to technical fault.

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Tripoli; 21.06.2016(Lana) Hatef Libya (Libya Phone) has announced disruption of communications between Hun, Kufra, Jaghbob, Fuqha and Tazrbu due to a halt of the communication station (DM Sat) in Benghazi due to a fault in power source. In a statement, a copy of which was received by Lana- it said work is underway by libya Phone technicians to repair the fault. =... Read more
