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Sirt, 19.06.2016 - Lana - The general body for social solidarity fund in Tripoli , on Saturday , had sent a special relief convoy to the displaced families from Sirt area , who are resided in Tarhona region. Chief of the crisis committee and director of media office in Sirt municipality council "Mohamed Amyal" , said that this convoy includes solidarity Ramadan baskets , to help the displaced families from Sirt and Bu-Gareen areas , who are resided in Tarhona and its suburbs. Chief of crisis committee in Sirt said that , they had distributed about 430 solidarity Ramadan baskets... Read more
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Berlin, 19.06,2016 - Lana - Press reports revealed that , the German government is intending to finish the necessary procedures , to expand its participation in the maritime 'Sofia' operation of the EU , off the Libyan coasts before summer holidays. Newspapers of the media Vonka group , according to governmental circles said that , the German government is to discuss this issue through its weekly session next Wednesday , and also to be discussed inside the parliament next Friday. Its scheduled to present this issue tomorrow Monday , during the EU foreign ministers meeting in. ... Read more
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Brussels, 19.06.2016(Lana) GNA-mandated Foreign Minister, Mohamed Taher Siala met in Brussels with deputy prime minister and foreign minister of Belgium, Didier Reynders. During the meeting bilateral relations were reviewed and ways to promote them. The meeting also covered technical assistance that can be offered by Belgium in support of L:ibya at the current stage. At a joint press conference after the meeting, Siala underlined the depth of Libyan-Belgium relations, and significance of its development. Saila explained that what Libya needs at this juncture is... Read more
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Brussels, 19 June 2016(Lana) The GNA-mandated Foreign Minister Mohamed Taher Siala has discussed with the EU Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos issues of common interest including migration and forging a common vision on how best to tackle the issue of illegal migration and its effect on the region. Siala told the EU official the solution was not only a security one, but rather economic and social, by providing investments in the source countries to create jobs and stability means. On his part Avramopoulos said the EU was prepared to... Read more
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Brussels, 19.06.2016(Lana) GNA-mandated Foreign Minister, Mohamed Taher Siala met in Brussels with director of Neighbourhood Policies and Enlargement. Director of Neighbourhood Policies and Enlargement told the foreign minister said package of direct technical aid estimated at 100 million euro are available to the GNA and asked for identifying Libyan institution counterparts to start implementing the package. Siala explained to the EU official that the GNA and its institutions began work with full staff from their main headquarters, and that the package can be... Read more