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World News: Political News

Head of Presidency Council Discusses Power Problem in the South.

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Tripoli, 18 January 2017(Lana) the Head of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord Fayez Al Saraj on Tuesday discussed with the Deputy Heads of the Council Abdul Salam Kajman and Ahmed Hamza the power problem in the southern region and the suffering it causes to its inhabitants. A package of measures and alternative methods to alleviate the suffering of local population especially with regard to constant power outages in the southern cities, have been agreed at the meeting. Al Saraj instructed the minister of Local Government Badad Gonsou to liaise with... Read more

President Al Bashir Says Dialogue Best Way to End Crises and Establish Peace.

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Khartoum, 18 January 2017(Lana) Sudan's President Omar Al Bashir stressed that dialogue was the best way to resolving crises, achieving peace and avoiding war. Al Bashir said in remarks at a meeting with the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenka here, that consultations were underway with political parties to form a consensus government, adding that efforts was being made to convince those refusing to take part, to reverse their position for the sake of national consensus and stability in the country. 'Sudan has always sought, with regional and international ,... Read more

Governor of Central Bank of Libya Meets Italian Ambassador.

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Tripoli, 17 January 2017(Lana) The Governor of the Central Bank of Libya Al Sidiq Al Kabir met on Tuesday the Italian Ambassador Giuseppe Peroni. The meeting, which was attended by the economic attaché at the embassy, dealt with joint cooperation in the economic area , and means of upgrading them to boost the Libyan economy. The meeting is the first between the governor and the Italian Ambassador, and it comes after re-opening of the Italian embassy in Tripoli. =... Read more

British Ambassador Discuss in Tobruk Re-activation of Political Agreement.

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Tripoli, 17 January 2017(Lana) The British Ambassador Peter Millett discussed with members the House of Representatives in Tubrok on Tuesday the latest of the political agreement and the consequences of non-compliance of some parties on the outcomes of the agreement. The meeting also dealt with introducing some amendments on the political agreement before including into the Constitutional Declaration. However Millett arrived in Tubrog on Tuesday and held a separate meeting with the Speaker of the House Ageela Saleh before meeting other representatives. =... Read more

First Libyan Oil Shipment to UK.

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Al Breiga, 17 January 2017(Lana) A tanker carrying 631000 barrels of crude left Al Breiga terminal on Saturday for the United Kingdom, in the first oil shipment to the United Kingdom since 2011. The crude loading from the terminal was halted for 10 days following defective loading pipe on the floating platform which required maintenance work that apparently was not carried out since 2008. The terminal's head of Loading and Utilities Department Abdullah Al Tarhouni said due to bad weather and the loading gauge problem the loading of tanker had to be delayed. He thanked... Read more
