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World News: Political News

High State Council Discuss Electricity Problem.

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Tripoli, 12 January 2017(Lana) The High State Council has convened its 13th session in the capital Tripoli on Wednesday. According to the Council's Information Office , the meeting dealt with the results of the visits by official delegations to Algeria and Egypt and the visit by the UN Special Envoy to Libya in light of the political developments. The meeting also dealt with the acute crises in the country including the electricity problem and how could it be tackled in collaboration with the Presidency Council and the competent bodies. The High State Council decided to... Read more

Kobler Meets Number of MPs in Tripoli.

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Tripoli, 12 January 2017(Lana) The UN Special Envoy to Libya Martin Kobler on Wednesday met a number of members of the House of Representatives in the capital Tripoli. Media sources quoted Kobler as saying 'I met the members of the House of Representatives in Tripoli and we discussed the challenges facing implementation of the Political Agreement. Kobler said he had a meeting with senior officials in the health sector to discuss the problems facing health care services in Libya. Kobler inspected, during his visit to Tripoli the Al Jala Hospital where he met health... Read more

Deputy Head of the Presidency Council Meets British Ambassador.

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Tripoli, 12 January 2017(Lana) The Deputy Head of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord Abdul Salam Kajman met at the Government headquarters in Tripoli on Wednesday the British Ambassador Peter Millett. The Cabinet Information Office said Kajman discussed with Millett establishment of a body for combat of terrorism and cooperation with the UK in military economic and security areas. The meeting also dealt with the crises in the country and what the UK can do to assist in resolving these problems as well as return of British companies to contribute to... Read more

Water Supply From Man-Made River to Western Region to be Disrupted.

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Tripoli, 11 January 2017(Lana) The Al Hasawana-Sahl Al Jafara Man-made River network has announced that due to a leakage at Al Khoms station which forces the disruption of services to the western region, water supplies would regrettably be cut off for 5 days. The Man-made River Services said in a statement the disruption of water supplies on the eastern pipeline meant that there would be no water supply to most of cities and towns serviced by the eastern pipeline including the capital Tripoli. Maintenance teams have reduced the flow of water on the pipeline in preparation... Read more

Ghadamas municipality announces postponement of the open Consultative meeting indefinitely.

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Tripoli, 11.01.2017(Lana) Ghadamas Municipal Council has announced the postponement of the open consultative meeting of members of the Political Dialogue Committee scheduled for Wednesday in the town, due to uncompleted administrative and logistic arrangements. In a statement on Ghadamas Municipal Council website, the council said; " Ghadamas Municipal Council announces the postponement of the meeting to the completion of the administrative and logistic measures appropriate to such meetings'. 'Ghadamas municipality as it is known is working endlessly to unify Libyan ranks... Read more
