Lana News
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World News: Political News

Minister of Displaced Discuss Situation of Abu Kammash Displaced People.

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Tripoli, 8 January 2018(Lana) The Minister of State for Displaced Affairs Yusuf Jlala has discussed the situation of the displaced people from Abu Kammash region since 2011 events. The meeting, which was held at the Government headquarters, brought together the MPs of Regdaline and Zultun Maulud Al Sawad and Haima Al Ayeb respectively with the Mayor of Zultun Omran Eshteiwi and members of the municipal council as well as the Chairman of the Committee of Abu Kammash Displaced People. They discussed the situation of the displaced and ways of resolving their plight. =... Read more

President of Presidency Council Meets Head of UNSMIL.

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Tripoli, 8 January 2018(Lana) The President of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord Fayez Al Serraj on has discussed with the Head of the UN Support Mission in Libya Ghasan Salama developments of the political situation in Libya and the steps that had been taken thus far within the transitional phase up to the elections and a stable Libya. On his part Salama conveyed to Al Serraj compliments of the Secretary General of the United Nations, praising his effort for restoring peace and stability, including reconciliation between Misrata and Tawergha. ... Read more

Cabinet Information Adviser Meets Director of Lana.

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Tripoli, 8 January 2018(Lana) The Cabinet Information Adviser met on Monday the Director General of the Libyan News Agency Al Aref Byouk to the bottlenecks faced by the agency and possible solutions. Outstanding debts on Lana and subscription fees owed to Arab and international unions and news agencies were also discussed during the meeting which was held at the Government headquarters in Tripoli. =... Read more

Several Ministers Visit Taurgha City to identify needs there.

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Tripoli, 8 January 2017 (Lana) broad meeting was held Monday in Misrata that included several GNA ministers, as well as municipal councils of Misrata and Taurgha. Communications and Media dept said the meeting covered joint coordination and arrangements to visit Taurgha to see the needs and take necessary measures in preparation for the return of the people of taurgha February, 1 according to the concluded agreement. The broad meeting included ministers of Local Government, Interior, Education, Health and Social Affairs, Community Development, chairpersons of... Read more

Culture Authority launches elections competition.

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Tripoli, 8 January 2018 (Lana) Culture Authority has launched a competition to promote election culture awareness. The completion on producing election promotion material in order to encourage participation of the public in the elections and significance of such participation. The body calls on all those who would like to take part in the competition to visit the authority's website and that the deadline for submitting the material is end of this month. =... Read more
