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Tripoli, 1 January 2018 (Lana) Minister of Education, Dr Othman Abduljalil met with the Consultative Committee at the Educational Curriculum Centre & Educational Research. The meeting focused on the outcome of the work of the committee and difficulties encountered and solutions to address them. The meeting which was held at the Educational Curriculum Centre & Educational Research in Tripoli was attended by Deputy Minister, Adel Jouma, Director of Exams Dept, and Director of Educational Inspection Dept. at the ministry. =... Read more
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Al Essaba City, 1 January, 2018 (Lana) Al Essaba hosted a meeting for members of House of Representatives (HoR), High State Council (HSC), and the Constituent Assembly (CA)as well as activists, social leaderships, right activists, media men and civil society organizations (CSO). A CSO activist who took part in the meeting, Dr Khaled Daej told Lana reporter that the meeting was one of a serious of meetings ortganized by the CA with CCSO activists, rightist activists in various Libyan cities and towns, and today it is held in Al Essaba themed; 'Our Difference does not mean... Read more
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Tripoli, 1 January 2018 (Lana) Delegated Minister of Health of the GNA announced steps to improve health services in Libya by allocating 19 million dinars for surgical operations at hospitals and specialized centres, in line with the ministry's efforts to offer treatment at home. At the ministry's website the minister said the measure was taken to improve medical services, support hospitals and specialized health centres, as visiting medical staff would be invited to carry out complicated operations at public hospitals in various specializations and provide necessary medical... Read more
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Tripoli, 01 January 2018 (Lana) Chairman and members of administrative committee of Al bariqa Oil marketing Company paid Sunday a visit to Misrata oil depot. At the sideline of the visit, they held a meeting with director of Misrata region, coordinators of Misrata depot, health and safety and head of departments at the depot. They discussed at the meeting obstacles and difficulties encountering staff of the depot and explored appropriate solutions to address them to offer better services to the public. =... Read more
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Tripoli, 31 December 2017 (Lana) Sheikh Taher Al zawi organized Sunday in Tripoli a workshop on 'Role of State and Soctiy in organizing arms' themed; 'Organizing arms versing development' in line with efforts aimed at realizing stability and development. The themes of the workshop included ways to organize carrying and possession of arms, solutions, mechanisms and resources to realize the goals of social peace and economic empowerment through reintegration of societal forces into civilian life and prospects for small and medium entrepreneurial projects. Eng. Salem Al... Read more