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World News: Political News

The death toll of the two blasts targeting worshippers in Benghazi raisen to 41 dead and 80 injured.

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Benghazi, 24 January 2018 (Lana) Medical sources at Al Jella Hospital and Tripoli Benghazi Centre announced Wedne4sday that the number of victims of the two blasts as worshippers were leaving Bait Al; Radwan night prayers in Benghazi Tuesday night raisin to 41 dead and 80 injured. Three day of mourning was declared in Benghazi Wednesday on tribute to the victims of this terrorist crime which contradicts all humanitarian values and principles and noble Islamic teachings, which exposes the ugly face of dark terrorism which shows no mercy or sanctity to humans and places of... Read more

UNSMIL condemns horrifying blasts in Benghazi.

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Tripoli, 24 January 2018 (Lana) UNSMIL has condemned the horrifying blasts that rocked the city of Benghazi, at Al Salmani district, which left scores either dead or injured including civilians. In a statement on its website, it said, direct and indiscriminate attacks is prohibited by International Humanitarian law and tantamount to war crimes. =.... Read more

Electricity Company says load shedding today would be 4 hours.

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Tripoli, 24 January 2018 (Lana) Electricity Company said Wednesday that load shedding today would be around 4 hours. It said actual production capacity is at 5400 megawatt and consumption could reach 6350 megawatt, a deficit of 950 megawatt. =... Read more

Temporary terminal for Tripoli International Airport discussed.

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Tripoli, 24 January 2018 (Lana) Ministry of Transport discussed Monday the prospect of implementing a temporary terminal at Tripoli International Airport. The issued was discussed by Minister of Transport, other ministry officials, and head of Airports Authority and Body implementing transport projects besides engineers and technicians. =... Read more

GNA Foreign Ministry Calls on International Community to Exchange Information With Libya to Confront Gangs Violations Against Migrants.

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Tripoli, 23 January 2018(Lana) The GNA Foreign Ministry has condemned 'in the strongest terms' despicable inhumane acts shown in video clips circulated on SMS and allegedly taken place on Libyan soil. The Ministry's information office said the ministry has issued a statement on Sunday in which it said the Presidency Council had ordered an investigation into despicable acts against migrants, and called on security and justice agencies to take the proper measures as soon as possible, to investigate any violations and to bring their perpetrators to justice. The Ministry... Read more
