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World News: Political News

Human Rights National Committee condemns terrorist blast outside Bait AlRadwan mosque in Benghazi.

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Tripoli, 24 January 2018 (Lana) National Human Rights Committee condemned the two terrorist blast outside Bait AlRadwan mosque in Benghazi which left 41 people dead and 80 others injured. The committee in statement , a copy of which was received by Lana said this ugly crime targeting innocent civilians is yet another terrorist act by terrorist organizations that target civilians in Benghazi in particular and Libya in general, an other evidence of what Libya suffers from such terrorist and extreme organizations. The committee said confronting such terrorist... Read more

The death toll of the two blasts targeting worshippers in Benghazi raisen to 41 dead and 80 injured.

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Benghazi, 24 January 2018 (Lana) Medical sources at Al Jella Hospital and Benghazi Centre announced Wedne4sday that the number of victims of the two blasts as worshippers were leaving Bait Al; Radwan night prayers in Benghazi Tuesday night raisin to 41 dead and 80 injured. Three day of mourning was declared in Benghazi Wednesday on tribute to the victims of this terrorist crime which contradicts all humanitarian values and principles and noble Islamic teachings, which exposes the ugly face of dark terrorism which shows no mercy or sanctity to humans and places of worship. ... Read more

Security Bodies Detain Members of Gang Responsible for Inhumane Treatment of Migrants.

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24 January 2018(Lana) Security bodies have detained members of gang that appeared on a SMS video committing inhumane actions against illegal migrants in the area of Al Gadahiya south of Sirte. The Special Al Radaa 'deterrence' Force has said it managed to apprehend members of the group after it gathered information about the gang and in collaboration with the residents of the area. I t said it was able to locate their hideout in Al Gadahiya and arrest them. The operation was carried out with cooperation of the Sirte Central Security and the City's Protection Force, the... Read more

Presidency Council condemns the two blasts outside Bait AlRadwan mosque in Benghazi.

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Benghazi, 24 January 2018 (Lana) The Presidency Council vigorously condemned the two coward blasts outside Bait AlRadwan mosque in Benghazi Tuesday night that targeted innocent civilians. 'In a statement Wednesday, the Presidency Council offered condolences to the families of the victims, who fallen after this terrorist cowardly attack supplicating to the Almighty for mercy to the victims and speed up recovery to the injured. It said such criminal acts contradict with the teachings of Islamic religion and human values and principles. It called on all Libyans to unify... Read more

House of Representatives condemns the two blasts outside Bait Al; Radwan mosque in Benghazi.

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Benghazi, 24 January 2018 (Lana) The House of Representatives condemned the two blasts outside Bait Al; Radwan mosque in Benghazi Tuesday night. 'The two blasts outside Bait Al; Radwan mosque in Benghazi were an attempt by terrorists to strike at the security and stability of the city' it said. The House paid tribute to the martyrs and sent condolences to the families of the victims, to the city of Benghazi and the Libyan people in general' It called ion security agencies to track the perpetrators to stand justice for their crimes. Medical sources at Al Jella... Read more
