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World News: Political News

Italy transports 15 Libyans injured in Zletin terror attack.

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Rome, 11.01.2016 - Lana - The Italian government announced , that it had transported 15 Libyans today Monday for treatment , after been injured in the terrorist attack , that targeted police training center in Zletin city , last week. In a statement , it added that it had sent an airplane in the early hours of today , to Misrata city , to transport the injured to a military hospital in Rome , then they might be transferred to other Italian hospitals. This operation is a gesture of a concrete solidarity and an interest from Italy with the Libyan people , in a particularly sensitive ... Read more

German army intends to train elements of the Libyan army.

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Berlin, 11.01.2016 - Lana - Press reports in Germany said , that the German army is about to conduct anew abroad task to train element from the Libyan army. The German 'Der Spiegel' magazine , yesterday Sunday , pointed out to an indoor plans , under which German soldiers of about 150-200 personnel , with the participation of Italian soldiers , will begin an undertaken task , initially in the neighboring Tunisia , for security considerations. =... Read more

Lack of liquidity in commercial banks in Tobruk force them to close.

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Tobruk, 11.01.2016 - Lana - The lack of liquidity in the commercial banks in Tobruk city , led to their closure yesterday , which resulted in citizens' resentment. Deputy director of Jomhoriya bank - Botnan branch - 'Mahmud Swidiq' , attributed the main reason for lack of liquidity in the banks , for the deteriorating security situation , traders fear and the stoppage of deposit movements in the banks. Its noteworthy , that the commercial banks in the eastern region , are suffering from financial liquidity shortages for about a year now , due to situations of security deteriorations. ... Read more

Second Batch of Zletin Attack Wounded Arrive in Istanbul.

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Tripoli, 11 January 2016(Lana) A second batch of Libyan Police elements who were wounded in the deadly terrorist attack on a training camp in Zletin, have arrived in Istanbul for treatment, Turkish Foreign Ministry announced on Sunday. 'A second batch of the Zletin attack wounded have arrived in Istanbul on board a Turkish plane, for emergency treatment, and were admitted into hospitals promptly after arrival, the Ministry said in a statement. A number of the wounded who were already transported to Turkey immediately after the attack were still receiving treatment in the ... Read more

Oil Installation Guard Force Repel Attack on Zweitina Terminal.

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Ajdabiya, 11 January 2106(Lana) The Oil Installation Guard Force has Repelled an attack by elements of Islamic State Organisation Da'esh on Zweitina oil terminal in eastern Libya. The attack which this time from the Sea, was conducted by boats belonging to Da'esh on the terminal of Zweitina, but was thwarted by the guard force who scored a direct hit on one of the boats before it approached the terminal, a spokesman for the guard force Ali Al Hasi said in press statements. Al Hasi indicated that the installations guard reconnaissance unit detected the attempt by two other... Read more
