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World News: Political News

Large exodus from Sirt city , escaping Daash organization behavior.

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Tripoli, 3109102916 - Lana - In the last days , Sirt city had witnessed a large exodus of the city residents , from areas controlled by the terrorist organization Daash , for almost a year now. In a phone call with - Lana - witnesses said , that most of the displaced families had left the city to Jufra , Sabha , Bani-Walid , Tarhona and Tripoli cities , looking for safe havens , away from the terrorist organization's behavior. They say , that the families had to leave due to random arrests and executions by the Daash , against city sons … as well as the lack of necessities of life... Read more

Reports of H1N1 Outbreak Baseless.

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Tripoli, 31 January 2106(Lana) There is no truth in reports of a discovery of H1N1 or Swine Flu at the Tripoli Central Hospital, a hospital official said. Only three suspected cases of H1N1 were received at the hospital contagious diseases department, said Ibrahim Kraza, a consultant at the department, one died after treatment abroad from age and a lung infection, but had nothing to do H1N1. Kraza said other cases at the department of contagious diseases were ordinary flu infections and there was no reason to panic. =... Read more

Tripoli Cornish Warning.

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Tripoli, 31 January 2016(Lana) The Mayor of Tripoli Abdul Raouf Beitul Mal has warned against the deteriorating condition of the Tripoli Cornish which he said was in need for urgent repair. Life expectancy of the Cornish has already expired, and there is a need for collective effort to save it before it collapses which could have devastating affect, Beitul Mal said in a press conference held recently. Analyzing the technical condition of the Cornish and the damage sustained to its infrastructure, Beithul Mal said the Sea front area of Tripoli is threaten as a result of... Read more

World Food Programme Delivers Food Assistance to Libya.

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Tunis, 31 January 2016(Lana) UN World Food Programme has started providing food assistance to the Libyan eastern region for the first time since June. The assistance covers food needs of 80.000 displaced people in and around Benghazi for 1 month, said Wajdi Othman, Head of the UN Food Programme branch in Libya. 'Libyans who fled their homes suffer harsh conditions as a result of the ongoing struggle particularly in Benghazi, including lack of food, medical treatment and electricity, they are desperate for help, Othman said. Food supplies were entered across the Egyptian... Read more

Gentiloni expects the formation of the accord government by the end of next week.

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Rome, 30.01.2016 - Lana - The Italian foreign minister 'Paolo Gentiloni' , expected the presidential council's announcement , led by PM 'Fayez Saraj' on forming a miniature government , to be by the end of next week. In the Italian 'La Stampa' newspaper interview yesterday Friday , Gentiloni said ; "it should be clear to everyone , especially to the Libyans , that we have no other choice rather than negotiations , and without this rule , it is difficult for the international community to contribute in the stability of Libya , where it could respond to the government demands" , any... Read more
