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World News: Political News

Jewish extremists storm al-Aqsa mosque court yard for 4th consecutive day.

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Ramallah, 26.01.2016(Lana) A Jewish extremists storm al-Aqsa mosque court yard for 4th consecutive day from Maghreba gate amid tight security measures. Palestinian sources quoted eyewitnesses as saying that occupation police provided protection to the extremist settlers who stormed al-Aqsa mosque. The settlers systematically break into al-Aqsa mosque in clear desecration of Muslim sanctities and disregard for their feelings. =... Read more

NOC Says it Suffers $ 68 Billion Loss in Revenue since 2013.

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Tripoli, 26 January 2016(Lana) Libya has suffered $ 68 Billion in loss of oil revenues due to the disturbances in the country, the CEO of the National Oil Company Sun'llah Al Zweiye said. Libya's oil production had plunged to 362.000 BPD from 400.000 after a series of attacks by Da'esh gunmen on oil terminals last week, he said. Al Zweiye blamed the loss in revenues on the oil installations guard which control the export facilities in Zweitina, Ras Lanouf and Al Sidra. =... Read more

Three Libyan antiquity Pieces sighted in Switzerland.

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Tripoli, 26 January 2016(Lana) Three Libyan marble statues have been sighted in the Swiss city of Bern, an Antiquity official announced. The statues are part of funerary sculpture which the city of Serene is famous of, the Head of the Technical Department at the Tripoli Antiquity Department Ramadan Al Shebani said. This kind of sculpture only found in Serene and has no match elsewhere in the world, which can facilitate the retrieval of the pieces, he said. A report has been filed to the Interpol to take the proper action to retrieve the antiquities, he added. =... Read more

Minister of Communications and Informatics meets with CBoL experts to develop the banking system.

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Tripoli, 25.01.2016(Lana) Minister of Communications and Informatics, Sami al-Fantazi met with Central Bank of Libya experts to discuss the issues related to stopping of the banking systems and placing the resources and potentials of the ministry at the disposal of the Central Bank of Libya to serve the public and private sectors and the public as a whole. al-Fantazi underlined at the outset of the meeting the importance of offering services to the public as well as to private and public sector to mitigate delays in salaries' disbursement and transfers from the CBoL... Read more

HoR votes for a non-confidence vote to NAG.

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Tripoli, 25.01.2016(Lana) House of Representatives voted Monday for a non-confidence vote to the National Accord Governmnet (NAG) by 87 out of 104 votes who attended the session dedvouted to voting on the NAG as well as on the UN sponsored political accord signed December 17 in Sukhirat in Morocco. The HoR granted the Presidential Council ten days to amend the government. The HoR approved the political accord signed in Sukhirat with the cancellation of article 8. According to a HoR member, the HoR has never convened a session with such number since November 22. ... Read more
