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World News: Political News

EU Calls for National Consensus Governemnt to Stop Spread of Da'esh in Libya.

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Rome, 3 February 2016(Lana) The European Union has reiterated a call for a formation of a national consensus government in Libya, to curb the activity of so called Islamic State or Da'esh in the country. The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini appealed at the third meeting held by the Anti-Da'esh international coalition in Rome, for the establishment of a national consensus government to prevent expansion of the group in Libya. The national consensus government is the best, if not the only option, to fight Da'esh on Libyan... Read more

US President Speaks by Phone With Cameron About Libya and Syria.

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Washington, 3 February 2106(Lana) US President Barrak Obama has discussed by phone with the British Prime Minister David Cameron the effort aimed at ending the political crisis in Libya. A statement issued by White House on Tuesday said Obama reiterated US commitment to continue to provide support for the displaced by the violence in Syria and other parts of the Middle East and to help ease pressure put on European countries as a result of the refugee influx. Obama told the Cameron the US Secretary of State John Kerry would represent the US at the London conference where he... Read more

Libya's Oil Production Still at 370,000 bpd.

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Tripoli, 3 February 2016(Lana) Libya's oil production still stands at 370,000 bpd, a spokesman for the National Oil Company Mohamed Al Hrari said. Oil producing fields have not been affected by fire which broke out in oil pipeline linking the field of Amal and station 108 near Al Wahat belonging to Zweitina oil company, Al Hrari said. Fire broke out in 5 reservoirs of crude oil at Ras Lanouf terminal after being targeted by so called Islamic State group. =... Read more

Guiding budget is the main issue of CBoL.

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Tripoli, 02.02.2016(Lana) The Central Bank of Libya's Committee on Covering Bank Accounts in Foreign Currency explained that the guiding budget is the main issue of Central Bank of Libya (CBoL). In a meeting with Directors of commercial banks Monday the committee said the CBoL would be obliged to respond to the urgent needs of the Libyan market, in partnership with commercial banks. It said against the backdrop of the current situation, the CBoL would focus on opening documentary credits for basic goods such as medicine and food and not accepting any documentary... Read more

CBoL meets on controls and measures organizing opening of documentary credits.

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Tripoli, 02.02.2016(Lana) The Central Bank of Libya's Committee on Covering Bank Accounts in Foreign Currency held a meeting with Directors of commercial banks during which it discussed CBoL circulation No 2/2016 on controls and measures organizing opening of documentary credits. Director of Banks and Monetary Monitoring who is deputy chairman of Credits Covering Committee underlined at the meeting the importance of complying with all items of the circulation and forwarding the required reports with full data about all opened documentary credits that are approved to be... Read more
