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Public prosecution in Sabha permits the burial of 32 unknown bodies.

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Sabha, 28.03.2016 - Lana - Medical sources in the medical Sabha center , said that the public prosecution had given its permission to bury '32' unidentified bodies , that were in the morgue of the center for about three years , after being medically checked and took samples of them. The media office in the center said , that 13 bodies were buried , and 12 will be buries in the next couple of days , adding that most of the bodies that have been medically checked , were from African origins. The office confirmed that DNA samples were taken from the bodies , so to be identified later by their relatives … pointing out that the competent authorities had informed consuls of the African countries in the southern region , so they would know of the details of the burying operation documents. Its noteworthy , that the morgue in Sabha medical center , is full of bodies , and had called for speeding up , the procedure completion to bury those bodies on the 24th of last February. =Lana=