Financial liquidity shortages , forces commercial banks in mountain cities to close.
Pulbished on:
Gharyan, 15.02.2016 - Lana - A banking source in the department of
"Jumhoriya" bank branches in the west mountain region , refuted the
circulating reports about the arrival of financial liquidity to
branches of the commercial banks in Gharyan and mountain
Manager of Jumhoriya branched department in the west mountain region
"Abdul-Kareem E'nttat" , said to - Lana - that the circulating
reports are false , and the commercial banks branches are closed for
several weeks now.
E'nttat added that , the banks branches in Jadu , Naluot , Hawamid
,Badr and Rahibat , didn't open their doors for more than a month.
He noted , that the branches department in a continuance contact with
the central Libya bank 'CLB' , to provide financial liquidity , but
with no results.