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Director of Tripoli Central Hospital Appeals to General Public to Avoid Visiting Hospital Wards.

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Tripoli, 17 March 2020(Lana) Director of Tripoli Central Hospital Al Bahloul Bin Ramadan has confirmed that no CoronaVirus cases reported in Libya, and appealed in a statement to the Libyan News Agency, to members of the general public to stay away from hospital wards as a precaution against the spread of the CoronoaVirus. The Director said there is a need to avoid crowds, and said visits to hospital wards have been halted, advising would be visitors to use electronic means to get reassured about their loved ones. Bin Ramadan said he and some of his colleagues have liaised with a number of Italian doctors, to get firsthand account of the measures they have taken to prevent the spread of the pandemic. =Lana=