Siala Praises Libyan Youth Diplomacy in AU.
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Addis Ababa, 31 January 2018(Lana) The GNA Foreign Minister Ali
Siala met on the sidelines of the African Summit this week Fat'allah
Abdul Latif Representative of Libyan youth participating in the
Abdul Latif explained to the Minister the role the youth plays as
part of the African youth diplomacy, to display the true efforts
being done to deal with the issue of illegal migrants on Libyan soil
and the commitment for respect of the African dignity and highlight
the risks illegal migration poses to Libyan society and the
neighboring countries.
According to the Ministry's information office, Siala stressed
the importance of attached to the Libyan youth diplomacy and the need
for them to support national cause.
He praised the Libyan youth effort to liaise with their African
to work together to on the issue of the illegal migration to confront
false claims of slave trade and mistreatment of African migrants in