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The death toll of the two blasts targeting worshippers in Benghazi raisen to 41 dead and 80 injured.

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Benghazi, 24 January 2018 (Lana) Medical sources at Al Jella Hospital and Tripoli Benghazi Centre announced Wedne4sday that the number of victims of the two blasts as worshippers were leaving Bait Al; Radwan night prayers in Benghazi Tuesday night raisin to 41 dead and 80 injured. Three day of mourning was declared in Benghazi Wednesday on tribute to the victims of this terrorist crime which contradicts all humanitarian values and principles and noble Islamic teachings, which exposes the ugly face of dark terrorism which shows no mercy or sanctity to humans and places of worship. President of the House of Representatives, Justice Aqila Salah offered condolences to the families of the victims who fell martyrs in this coward attack. he called on Libyans to unify their ranks to salvage Libya from violence and chaos, crime and terrorism which spared no one. =Lana=