Several Ministers Visit Taurgha City to identify needs there.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 8 January 2017 (Lana) broad meeting was held Monday in
Misrata that included several GNA ministers, as well as municipal
councils of Misrata and Taurgha.
Communications and Media dept said the meeting covered joint
coordination and arrangements to visit Taurgha to see the needs and
take necessary measures in preparation for the return of the people
of taurgha February, 1 according to the concluded agreement.
The broad meeting included ministers of Local
Government, Interior, Education, Health and Social Affairs,
Community Development, chairpersons of Electricity General Company,
Communications and Informatics, water Resources, and Environment,
State Minister for Migrants & displaced and chairman of the follow up
committee of implementation of the Accord concluded by Misrata and
Taurgha, Abubaker Abujalala, commander of the Central Military Zone,
as well as municipal councils of Misrata and Taurgha.