UNHCR to Strengthen Humanitarian Effort in Libya.
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Geneva, 22 May 2017(Lana) The UN High Commission for Refugees has
said it was strengthening its activities in Libya to confront the
aggravating humanitarian crisis created by the ongoing conflict and
lack of security and economic deterioration.
In a statement yesterday the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Fillipo Grandi said he made a visit to Libya to inspect the
humanitarian situation of the refugees there, and met some of them in
detentions centres, adding that the UNHCR would reinforce its program
there to meet the growing humanitarian crisis resulting from conflict
and instability.
He said refugees lived in harsh conditions due to shortage of
resources especially women and children.
The ability of the UN to provide access to protection and
assistance which the refugees badly needed was a huge challenge, and
UN workers were acting under immense pressures in a volatile
environment in Libya, he added.