Presidency Council condemns exhuming and mutilations of dead bodies in Benghazi.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 19.03.2017 (Lana) The GNA Presidency Council has
condemned descrition of tombs and mutilation of dead bodies in
Benghazi. It also condemned slogans chanted by some demonstrators at
martyrs square that incites for hatred and sowing divisions.
The presidency Council also condemned the statement made by
Hafter in which he threatened to enter the capital by force.
He said such matter could drive the country into blood bath and
destroy all efforts of cohesion and harmony.
The council said in a statement Sunday those who carried out this
action, whom they attribute themselves to the Libyan army forces in
Benghazi such as exhuming of graves and mutilating of dead bodies
viciously reflecting inhumanity of those who made such acts.
The presidency Council called on dignitaries of the eastern
region, political figures, activists and media and military and
security institutions to deplore such criminal acts and present them
to justice.
In statement, the presidency council; 'Extending our hands to
harmony, does not mean our weakness, as much as our responsibility
towards the homeland and the citizens, and the transience of those
parties to gain personal glory and attempt to reproduce dictatorship
against whom all Libyans revolted in 2011, and offered caravans of
martyrs, has become today a clear obstacle to all Libyans and the
international community of their non- desire to harmony and obstacle
of the political approach'.
In statement, , it called on all Libyan people to use the voice
of reason and not to be dragged into divisions and refrain from
anything that may tear the social fabric.