Saraj to Lana: We will try to deliver services to the public across Libya.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 22.12.2016(Lana) President of the Presidency Council,
Fayez Saraj has underlined that his visit to Ghat was in line with
reaching out and visits to all Libyan cities and regions to see needs
and bottlenecks undergone by these countries that touch the life of
the public directly.
In an exclusive statement to Lana, he said such visit was
preceded by visits to Tarhuna and Jufra aimed at inspecting needs and
issues accumulating there over the years.
" We would endeavour in the next stage to deliver all services to
the public across the country and reach communal development for all
Libyans in all cities and regions' he added.
In his statement to Lana, he explained that he inspected the
problems and difficulties facing our people in Ghat after the visit
to the general hospital, the border crossing point, and meeting
officials overseeing these places. He said the Presidency Council
endeavours to finding solutions to the problems and bottlenecks
according to available resources.