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National Human rights Committee calls for promoting tolerance in Libyan society.

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Tripoli, 16.11.2016(Lana) Libyan National Human rights Committee has underscored the importance of ' promoting the principles and values of tolerance in Libyan society.' In a statement Wednesday on the World Tolerance Day, marked annually on 16 November, the committee explained that Libya is in dire need to the culture of tolerance, dialogue and peaceful coexistence, denouncing divisions, disputes and conflicts. It said it is high time for love and harmony among members of Libyan society, and that all days of the4 year become days for tolerance and fruitful and positive cooperation to build Libya. The Libyan Human Rights Committee to mark the day by working for the consolidation of culture of tolerance, co-existence, harmony and communal and national peace and stand up against bigotry and sidelining others. The society called on all segments of the Libyan people to fight all forms of violence, bigotry and hatred. =Lana=