Hoon , Wadan and Sokna cities without water for more than a week.
Pulbished on:
Hoon, 18.08.2016 - Lana - The cities of Hoon , Wadan and Sokna are
suffering water outage for more than a week , which caused grumbling
among citizens , with the rising temperature and electricity
According the - Lana - reporter in Jufra -quoted from sources at the
municipality council in the city , as saying , it was due to the
disruption of water pumps , and the lack of alternatives.
Spokesman for the Jufra municipality council "Abdul-Naser Sanusi"
said , that the citizens is suffering from the lack of financial
liquidity in the banks , since the end of the month of Ramadan , and
the stoppage of markets and shops in dealing with the certified
checks , as well as the rising prices of water tanks.