76th anniversary of founding of Libyan army.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 09.08.2016(Lana) The Libyan army commemorated Tuesday
the 76th anniversary of its founding, on this day of 1940.
The acting chief of general staff of the Libyan army, Brigadier
Mohamed Al-Ajtal in a speech on this occasion army leadership which
leads the battles of honour against daesh terrorist organization in
Serte as well as their revolutionary commarades. he paid tribute to
the martyrs wishing speedy recovery to the injured.
Brig. Al-Ajtal said for the army duties and tasks related to the
defense of the homeland, asserting that army in a civilian state
should shun away from political polarization, he explained that the
General Staff is trying to rebuild the army ion these bases and
At the sideline of the festival, a photo gallery was organized to
embody the history of the Libyan army ever since its inception in the