Za'atari condemns air strikes on residential areas in Derna city.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 18.06.2016 - Lana - Vice president of the UNSMIL "Ali
Za'atari" , had condemned the air strikes , that been launched
recently on residential areas in Derna city , which resulted in
casualties among civilians.
Za'atari in the UNSMIL statement , on Friday , said that according
to the information , that two children , two men and a women were
killed , while six children , a woman and a man were injured , as a
result of four air strikes in Derna city , between the 4th and 15th
of June 2016.
Za'atari urged for stopping the ongoing air strikes , launched in
urban areas with civilian residents , expressing his deep
condolences to the victims' families , and wishing those injured a
speedy recovery.
The UNSMIL vice president , called on all parties in Libya , to
obligate and respect the international humanitarian law , pointing
out that the direct and random strikes on civilians , are considered
as war crimes , and should punish those responsible for them.