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World News: Political News

Committee following up Libyan prisoners abroad holds 4th meeting.

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Tripoli, 23.02.2016(Lana) Committee on following up Libyan prisoners abroad discussed achievements made in its previous meetings. The meeting held at the Ministry of Justice Tuesday chaired by deputy minister of justice for state of law and human rights, Abdulmohsen Ahmed al-Mahdawi and deputy minister for national reconciliation Mustafa al-Tarabelsi, deputy minister of interior Brig. Salah Semno and member of the prosecution at the attorney general's office Ramadan al-Qarqoti, and deputy director of Consular affairs at the foreign ministry, Mahmud Karwd. The... Read more

Force to maintain security at Ras jadier Border crossing point assumes its work Ras jadier, 23.

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02.2016(Lana) A force from the Crime Combating Body Zuwara assumed its tasks including inspection and follow up and maintaining security and secure the area at Ras jadier Border crossing point. The move designed to secure the passengers and maintain security and prevent security breaches and combat crime. The official premises of the intervention force and crime combatting was operational ized within the strategic plan for 2016. The move of the force came after complaints from travelers and security bodies of some security breaches. =... Read more

A meeting designed to computerize financial management of NOC.

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Tripoli, 23.02.2016(Lana) A meeting was held Monday at National Oil Corporation (NOC) devouted to discuss development of the financial system and computerize the financial mangement works of NOC. The meeting included chairman of NOC, Mustafa Sanalla, and members of the board al-Emari Mohamed al-Emari and Abulqasem Shanqir, director of computing and communications, internal control and several specialists at the financial department. The meeting discussed ways to develop the financial system, and adding several programmes that could help in electronic flow of data and... Read more

Italy rescues 700 immigrants off Libyan coast and recovers four bodies.

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Rome, 23.02.2016 (Lana) Italian Navy and coast guard reported Tuesday that they rescued more than 700 immigrants from 6 boats off the Libyan coast and recovered four bodies. According to Italian Navy an Italian navy boat helped three boats and rescued 403 immigrants and recovered 4 bodies. The ship rescued 219 immigrants from two boats while another ship rescued 105 immigrants on another boat. The Italian coast guard spotted four days ago two bodies off Italy following the arrival of 40 immigrants to Sicily. According to Italian ministry of interior 6736 people... Read more

NSG organizes workshop on economic challenges.

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Tripoli, 23.02.2016 (Lana) The National Salvation Government (NSG) organized Tuesday a workshop entitled challenges of the Libyan economy (Realties & Requirements) to diagnose the reality of Libyan economy and propose necessary measures and policies to manage the economy to secure efficient management of public money and improve standards of living of society. The workshop is aimed at streamlining strategic visions related to the political, financial, monetary and commercial policies and finding ideal options in the face of the existing challenges with the participation of... Read more
