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World News: Political News

NSG first deputy: February revolution was not a bread revolution but one against tyranny.

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Tripoli, 21.02.2016(Lana) National Salvation Government first deputy head of government, Abdulmonaem al-Dali said 17th February revolution was not a bread revolution but one against dictatorship and tyranny. In address on behalf of the NSG, al-Dali explained at the ministry of foreign affairs celebration of the 17th anniversary revolution, Sunday morning that February revolution for which the Libyan people paid their pure blood against injustice and to which Libyans were subjected over 40 years. He said Arab spring revolutions were exposed to conspiracies and such... Read more

Force to maintain security at Ras jadier Border crossing point.

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Ras jadier, 21.02.2016(Lana) A force from the Crime Combating Body affiliated to the NSG Ministry of Interior went to Ras Jadier to maintain security and secure the area. A member of the Crime Combatting Body said the body intends to open an office in the area with a manpower of 350 personnel and 100 vehicles to maintain security and fight cross-border crime. The force would opeartionalize security bodies in the area through consultations and coordination and organize traffic across the borders and maintain security and stability in the region, he added. A broad meeting was... Read more

NSG FM: Libyan people want peace.

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Tripoli, 21.02.2016 (Lana) NSG Foreign Minister, Ali Abuzakok said the ministry's celebration of 5th anniversary was a commemoration of anniversary of those who martyred including unknown soldiers of the ministry's staff. Abuzakok reminded the neighbouring countries that the Libyan people love peace and would not accept injustice whatever it may be and from whatever side. In address, he underlined that the Libyan people extend hands to the world with the spirit of fraternity in order to build bridges of cooperation, communication and investments based on common. ... Read more

Algeria calls to respect the sovereignty of Libya in the war against terrorism.

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Algeria, 21.02.2016 - Lana - The Algerian foreign minister "Ramattan al-A'amamra" , today Sunday , called to fight terrorism in Libya , in the framework of the international legitimacy , and respecting Libya's sovereignty. In a press statement , after talks with "Thomas Shannon" US secretary assistant commissioned for political affairs , in the capital Algiers "al-A'amamra" said ; "we have viewed in-details the situation in Libya , and agreed on committing to the peaceful and political solution for the Libyan crisis , so the war on terrorism should be within the framework of the... Read more

An emergency plan to avoid water stoppage in Benghazi.

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Benghazi, 21.02.2016 - Lana - Director of media office in Benghazi municipality , today Sunday , announced the establishment of an emergency plan , to provide water to the city , in case of water stoppage. This announcement came after a meeting , held by the designated mayor of Benghazi municipality "A'awad al-Bara'asi" , with the water and sewage company department , to discuss the plan details and requirements. The media office director , said that the commercial and industry room , which had participated in the meeting , showed its readiness to support executing this plan , and... Read more
