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World News: Political News

Cash delivered to Jufra banks.

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Hun, 05.05.2016(Lana) Jufra banks received Thursday liquidity after several month health due to logistic problems. Director of Al Jumhuris branch in Hun. Wanis Al Debri told Lana reporter that five out of 15 million LD, allocated to all commercial banks in Jufra were delivered He said the five million would be divided to the four Al Jumhuria branches, in Hun, Sukna, Wadan and Zala besides North Africa Bank in Wadan. He said the public can only withdraw three hundred LD. =... Read more

Italian defense minister: we will not be late to meet the Libyan government demands.

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Washington, 05.05.2016 - Lana - The Italian defense minister "Roberta Pinotti" , asserted that her country ; "won't be late in meeting the demands of NAG". In a press interview with the American "Washington post" newspaper , on Thursday , Pinotti added ; "the first step towards achieving stability in Libya , is to be a government there , that could represent the different parties , and takes the important steps to deliver its demands to the international community". The minister pointed out that ; "if Italy had a reason to think that there is something threatening the country's... Read more

US defense secretary stresses on NAG to commence its work.

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Washington, 05.05.2016 - Lana - The US defense secretary "Ashton Carter" , stressed on the importance for the national accord government 'NAG' , to start its work , and for the Libyans to reach by themselves an accord to save their country , and to kick-out those foreigners from their land , in reference to Da'esh fighters. In a joints press conference with the joint chief of staff , on Tuesday , Carter said ; "Libyans don't welcome foreigners on their land , who are controlling it and stealing their oil". "We are working very closely with NAG , to determine the assistance it" ;... Read more

Martin Kobler praises the role of Libyan journalists.

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Tripoli, 05.05.2016 - Lana - UNSMIL chief "Martin Kobler" , had praised the Libyan journalists for their courage and commitment with the journalistic work , despite all circumstances. In a letter to the Libyan journalists , on the occasion of the world press freedom day , Kobler said ; "I salute your courage and commitment for delivering information to the Libyan people and the world , and we at the united nations uphold your work" =... Read more

Abu-Hashem: arrangements underway for HoR session in Ghadamis.

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Tobruk, 05.05.2016 - Lana - Spokesman for HoR "Faraj Abu-Hashem" said that , arrangements are underway for the HoR to convene in Ghadamis city , to grant confidence to NAG , as well as discussing any other issues. About the constitution draft presented by the constituent committee to representatives' council , Abu-Hashem said ; "it was presented before the council in a consultation session , not an official one , in which about 30 members attended it , and could only decide on the draft by HoR quorum". =... Read more
